Two-door mask drying locker made of high-grade steel (V²A) including door lock.
- timer is easy to use
- temperature control via capillary sensor
- space-saving, wall mounting possible
- safety precaution: unit shuts down automatically when door is opened
- made of high grade-steel
- doors available in either INOX or Plexiglas
- maintenance free warm air blower
- Maintenance free stepping gear motor (1/min)
- the continuing movement of the rotary disc ensures an efficient and gentle drying of the masks. The drying process takes between 15 to 30 minutes.
The drying cabinet can also be upgraded with UV-light disinfection.
NEW: Installation of Clean Air for odor removal and disinfection.
Additional options:
- small parts basket made of aluminum round wire
- stackable small parts basket made of high-grade steel
- couplers for breathing tube (medium pressure tube)
- timer with LED display
- quartz-controlled, the current programming remains valid even when the unit is currentless
- electric temperature sensor with LED display for an exact and individual temperature setting